In Agriculture

For Agribusiness

In Agriculture

In Agriculture

Agric Support Services


Our Approach
We Guide You to Choose The Right Agri-Strategy
ASNAPP delivers quality service across the continent through our extensive partner firms.
Our missions
To help create and develop successful African agribusinesses in the natural products sector, providing income, employment and development, through environmentally and socially conscious sustainable production of high quality, healthful natural products for local, regional and overseas markets.
Our Vision
To expand economic opportunities for rural communities by using world class science, technologies, partnerships and business approaches to develop and enhance Africa’s competitive advantage in the Natural Plant Products industry.
ASNAPP delivers quality service across the continent through our extensive partner firms.
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Raise Fund for Clean & Healthy Water
Your little help can heal their pains
Give african childrens a good education
Raise funds for clean & healthy food
Clean water system for rural poor
Help poor kids after an unfortunate tragedy
To help create and develop successful African agribusinesses
Countries of operation
Service Delivery across Africa Continent

This approach has created a strong foundation for long-term growth by bringing people into the marketplace that have hitherto remained excluded, giving them access to opportunities for income, basic goods and services, and choice. Our key services transient in different sectors but largely agriculture and agribusiness as shown.
It has provided Value Chain training for institutions such as UNDP, ECOWAS, USAID-funded projects, multinational companies, SMEs, product associations, and interprofessional bodies.
ASNAPP has implemented projects and provided services in over 10 African countries. Most of the services include Market Assessment and Value Chain Training Project Management (Ghana, Liberia, Senegal, Kenya, and Lesotho). It has implemented and monitored several agribusiness projects in Ghana, Liberia, Senegal, South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, and Rwanda. Through funding from USAID, ICCO, UNDP, AfDB, Forestry Commission-Ghana, World Bank-DANIDA, SPEED, AGRA and other development partners.
Latest News & Projects
Productivity Enhancement for Vegetable Value Chain Actors-(PEVVA)
Smallholder Inclusive Productivity and Market Access-(SIPMA)
Livelihoods Diversification and Support Project-LDSP
Partnership for Food Industry Development ‐ Natural Products Program-(PFID‐NP)
Sahelian Onion Productivity and Market Expansion Program-(SOPMEP)